Half-life period’ of lockdown might have already started - literally
How Coronavirus nightmare could end? How long will this last? And how will it end? Well only thing I’m sure is no one really knows!
Hence, lockdowns have become the primary global ‘go to solution’ across the world. Though we fully don’t know the nuances and facts, we are told, 102 years ago, during the war, the Spanish flu also forced the lockdown and city shutdowns. But the cultural, communication and media environment was of course different then. Now, in a market led economy and democracies, Governments are under tremendous pressure to open up and ease lockdown. Just a case in point is the US, which is now the new epicentre of the Covid-19 crisis, with over 735,000 cases (as on 20th April) and with around 40,000 deaths; even then, the governors of states that have practiced lockdowns and shutdowns are under pressure to reopen. The freedom loving citizens are protesting, taking to the streets in states across the US, demanding that Governors reopen economies shut by the coronavirus pandemic. Rallies were reported in Arizona, Colorado, Montana and Washington State., following earlier protests in half a dozen states. Agitation for easing restrictions has grown, despite the risk of a Covid-19 resurgence posed by reopening too soon.
Beyond lockdown: Tool for supporting both Jaan and Jahan is available but will we use it?
As I wrote earlier, (if you are interested the link
Now, even back home, Government is under tremendous pressure to open up. So in reality, even though it could be a graded or partial opening up, how do we control the spread post lock down while we don’t yet have vaccine or medicine? and We as yet don’t have large scale testing infrastructure too.
Hence, what could be the scale led, cost effective solution for protecting both Jaan and Jahan? As the country's leadership has acted (I’m politically neutral) with prevention measures, stimulus, financial assistance, positivity campaigns, mask campaigns, the one standout initiative that could be a game changer is Aarogya Setu. Though we don’t have the Bluetooth infra S Korea has, with our massive pan India smartphone user base and low cost data infrastructure, we might have a way to find a post lock down solution. The Aarogya Setu app itself with new age UX |UI features makes a good case for being the ‘pass to freedom’ post lockdown.
Right to Privacy v.s Responsibility to save lives
Democracy fortunately is the best gift we have. Hence, in this rarest of the rare black swan Corona time too, I know there has been and will be concerns about Aarogya Setu related privacy issues. I'm aware that, Hon. The Supreme Court has ruled right to privacy as a fundamental right. Now, I’m neither an Epidemiologist nor a privacy law expert (though I support the need for privacy law). I have been arguing for the value of a saved human life and dignity since the beginning of this pandemic. Hence, in my view, in the national interest, the Responsibility to save lives will be a priority for the next 3-6 months. In the meanwhile, I'm sure and hope administrators of Aarogya Setu will address real privacy concerns, if any.
Public sector banks, MGNREGA block administrators, Indian Railways and NRAI can help spread the usage Aarogya Setu app
To avoid a large scale spread, another lockdown and to keep economic activity going, while the country builds testing infrastructure and till the world has a vaccine or medicine, many have proposed Aarogya Setu as an "e- licence" which seems it is. Only challenge - how do we make sure 10 or 15 crore Indians download this incrementally and actively support the jaan and jahaan, bottom up movement?
If we can’t make Aarogya Setu mandatory’ due to legal reasons: Public sector banks, MANREGA block administrators, Indian Railways have the scale, influence and reach to make 10 crore + downloads possible,
Booking and banking - Preferential service treatment for Aarogya Setu users
Incentivise users to download the app
Incentivise jan dhan account holders to use Aarogya Setu
In the private sector, NRAI (National Restaurant Association of India) members (F&B outlets), to keep the business open, can support Aarogya Setu users with special discounts.
What are other ways to make sure more and more people use this app so we can stop the Corona spread while keeping the society and economy open - this is worth your ideation , I hope and pray that a movement begins and gains momentum !
